Not sure what coaching involves?

Here are answers to a few of the questions I am regularly asked. Do get in touch though if you have anything you’d like to know more about which isn’t covered here.

  • What is coaching?

    Coaching is really very simple; It’s about getting you from where you are now, to where you want to be. We start by you identifying the goals you want to achieve. Then working together you’ll uncover what’s most important to you, what really motivates you and discover what your strengths are. You’ll look at what’s getting in the way or stopping you from reaching your goals and you’ll work on tools and strategies which will help you move forward.

  • How do the sessions take place?

    Coaching generally happens by phone, although face-to-face sessions are possible.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    To really get to see a change a minimum of 4 months’ commitment is needed.

  • How long are the coaching sessions?

    Coaching sessions are 45 minutes apart from the Discovery and Completion sessions which are 90 minutes.

  • How often do I have sessions?

    Sessions work best on a fortnightly basis.

  • How much does it cost?

    Fees vary depending on the number, format and frequency of sessions booked. This will be discussed at the sample session, or contact me if you want more detail. Payment is requested on a monthly basis.

  • Is coaching like therapy?

    No. Unlike therapy which looks to the past to understand root causes. Coaching starts from where you are now and looks at where you want to go to. It believes that change and development come from an understanding of who you are being aligned to and how you are being and is therefore both reflective, exploratory and action-orientated.

  • Is coaching like mentoring?

    No. Mentors are experts in your work area and will be imparting knowledge, guidance and training to address specific issues in the workplace, or work with more targeted career progression. Coaches do not need to be familiar with your working area.

  • What does the coach do?

    Using a variety of coaching skills and tools your coach will work with you to understand what’s really important to you in life, what you want to achieve and how you can get there.

  • What is Co-Active coaching?

    It is built upon the belief that we are all naturally creative, resourceful and whole. At the centre of the Co-Active coaching model are 3 principles which coaches use when working with you:

    1. Fulfilment —that a meaningful and deeply satisfying life is achieved by living a purpose driven life based on values
    2. Balance —that by looking at life’s challenges and opportunities from an empowered stance that powerful choices are discovered leading to effective actions
    3. Process — that discovery requires the full awareness and conscious engagement with what is happening at that moment

    If you want to dive into more detail take a look at the CTI website.

Team Coaching

  • What’s the difference between:

    Team facilitation – concentrates on process focus at events
    Team performance coaching – is task and process focus only
    Leadership team coaching – works on task, process and stakeholder focus
    Systemic team coaching – works on task, process, stakeholder and organisation and wider system focus

  • My team has been in existing for a while, is team coaching still relevant?

    The best teams engage in life-long learning and development as their environment is constantly changing.

Book a free 45 minute sample session to find out how coaching can help you.
Get in touch